Prof. Julia Genova
e-mail: julia.genova@issp.bas.bg Education: 2008- PhD in Physics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Solid State Physics 1998- MSc degree in Physics, Sofia University, Faculty of Physics; 1993- Graduated English language school "L. Dimitrova", Sofia Collective responsibilities: Scientific secretary of ISSP-BAS, Member of the scientific council of ISSP-BAS, Member of the General Assembly of BAS Editor of Advances in Planar Lipid Bilayers and Liposomes 17, Elsevier, 2013; Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 558, 2014; Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 662, 2016, INERA Workshop “Laser and Plasma Matter Interaction”, 18-20 November 2015, Plovdiv, Bulgaria; INERA Conference, Vapor Phase Technologies for Metal Oxide and Carbon Nanostructures, 5-9 July, 2016, Velingrad, Bulgaria; 19th INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL ON CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS, Advances in Nanostructured Condensed Matter: Research and Innovations, August 29– September 2, 2016, Varna, Bulgaria; INERA Workshop Membrane and Liquid Crystal Nanostructures, 3-6 September, 2016, Varna, Bulgaria Publications ~ 40; Citations ~ 100 Specializations: September 2009; October-November 2010; July-September 2012 - visiting scientist at the Laboratory of Biophysics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Referee for the journals: Advances in Planar Lipid Bilayers and Liposomes, Elsevier Physics Research International: Soft Nanocomposites (NANO) General Physiology and Biophysics (GPB) MIPRO, 2013, 36th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics; Journal of Physics, Conf. Series
Field of activities:
Investigation of the mechanical
properties (elasticity, permeability, morphology, etc.) of lipid mono- and
bilayers, micropippette technique for micromanipulation of emulsion droplets and
lipid vesicles, analysis of thermally induced shape fluctuations for elasticity
measurements of quasispherical giant vesicles, influence of additives (proteins,
carbohydrates, nanoparticles, antibiotics, etc.) on the mechanical properties of
lipid mono- and bilayers, dynamics of fluctuating vesicle, formation of giant
vesicle in physiological conditions, microfluidics, etc. Selected Publications: V. Vitkova, J. Genova, M.D. Mitov and I. Bivas, Sugars in the aqueous phase change the mechanical properties of lipid mono- and bilayers, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 449 (2006) 95–106. J. Genova, A. Zheliaskova, and M.D. Mitov, The influence of sucrose on the elasticity of SOPC lipid membrane studied by the analysis of thermally induced shape fluctuations, Coll. Surf. A 282-283 (2006) 420–422. J.I. Pavlič, J. Genova, A. Zheliaskova, A. Iglič, M.D. Mitov, Bending elasticity of lipid membranes in presence of beta 2 glycoprotein I in the surrounding solution, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 253(1) (2010) 012064. J.I. Pavlič, J. Genova, G. Popkirov, A. Iglič, V. Kralj-Iglič M. D. Mitov, Mechanoformation of neutral giant phospholipid vesicles in high ionic strength solution, Chem. Phys.Lipids 164(8) (2011) 727–731. J. Genova, J. Pavlič, A. Zheliaskova, V. Kralj-Iglič, A. Iglič, and M. D. Mitov, Vesicles with Tethers in Symmetrical and Non symmetrical conditions, Biotech. Biotech. Equip. 26(1) (2012) 205–208. J. Genova, V. Kralj-Iglič, A. Iglič, R. Marinov, I. Bivas, Influence of Cholesterol on the Elastic Properties of Lipid Membranes, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 398 (2012) 012037. P. B. Santhosh, S. Penič, J Genova, A. Iglič , V. Kralj-Iglič and N. P. Ulrih, A study on the interaction of nanoparticles with lipid membranes and their influence on membrane fluidity, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 398 (2012) 012034. J. Genova, Marin Mitov lectures: Measuring bending elasticity of lipid bilayers, Advances in Planar Lipid Bilayers and Liposomes 17, Academic Press, London, (2013) 1–27. J. Genova, V. Vitkova, I. Bivas, Registration and analysis of the shape fluctuations of nearly spherical lipid vesicle, Phys. Rev. E 88 (2013) 022707. P. B. Santhosh, A. Velikonja, S. Perutkova, E. Gongadze, M. Kulkarni, J. Genova, K. Elersic, A.Iglič, V. Kralj-Iglič, N. Poklar Ulrih, Influence of nanoparticle-membrane electrostatic interactions on membrane fluidity and bending elasticity, Chem. Phys. Lipids 178 (2014) 52–62. P. B. Santhosh, S. Kiryakova, J. Genova, N. Poklar Ulrih, Influence of iron oxide nanoparticles on bending elasticity and bilayer fluidity of phosphotidylcholine liposomal membranes, Coll. Surf. A 460 (2014) 248–253. J. Genova, I. Bivas, R. Marinov, Cholesterol Influence on the Bending Elasticity of Lipid Membranes, Coll. Surf. A 460 (2014) 79–82. D. Haustov, T. Hikov, D. Mitev, I. Tsvetanov, L. Pramatarova and J. Genova, Bending elasticity of lipid membranes in presence of nanodiamond particles in the aqueous solution, Nanosci. Nanotechnol. –Nanostructured materials application and innovation transfer 14 (2014) 159–161. S. Kiryakova, M. Dencheva-Zarkova, J. Genova, Effect of Amphotericin B antibiotic on the properties of model lipid membrane, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 558 (2014) 012027. J. Genova, N. Poklar Ulrih, V. Kralj-Iglič, A. Iglič, I. Bivas, Bending Elasticity Modulus of Giant Vesicles Composed of Aeropyrum Pernix K1 Archaeal Lipid, Life 5 (2015) 1101–1110. J. Genova, M. Dencheva-Zarkova, J. I. Pavlič, Morphological study of lipid vesicles in presence of amphotericin B via modification of the microfluidic CellASIC platform and LED illumination microscopy, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 682 (2016) 012029.
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